Our Story
The Meaning of AnamCara
AnamCara means “Soul Friend.” Anam is the Gaelic word for soul and Cara is the word for friend. In Celtic tradition, an AnamCara is a teacher, companion or spiritual guide. With the AnamCara you can share your innermost self to reveal the hidden intimacies of your life, your mind and your heart. This friendship cuts across all convention to create an act of recognition and belonging that joins souls in an ancient and eternal way.
In everyone’s life, there is a great need for an AnamCara, a soul friend. In this relationship, you are understood as you are, without mask or pretension. When you are understood, you are at home. As a result, you look, see and understand differently. You refine your sensibility and transform your way of being in the world.
The AnamCara is a loved one who awakens your life in order to free the wild possibilities within you.

Laura's Chocolate Moose
About AnamCara Retrievers

Kathy Metcalf and AnanCara's Will
AnamCara Retrievers was first established as Settlers Westwind Kennel in 1999 with the purchase of my first Lab - Laura's Chocolate Moose. "Moose"; as she was called, started my love affair with the Labrador Retriever breed. Since that first introduction, my love and admiration for this breed has continued to grow as I have learned so much from each and every Lab that has ever entered my life.
In 2009, my sister Margo discovered the word "AnamCara" and, after seeing the interaction with me and my Will and how he meant so much to me she called me one day and said I have the perfect name and thus, AnamCara was born.
Puppies are born and raised in my home where they are well socialized. A puppy temperament test is conducted on all litters prior to going home in order to better match owners with their pups. I do not sell to pet stores, through internet sites, or wholesalers of any kind and all pups have a limited registration unless previously approved for hunt, test, obedience, or agility homes. Handled often, pups leave knowing basic commands.
An introduction to birds and water is done when appropriate. Adult dogs are allowed to spend as much time as possible with me in my home environment where socialization and house manners are the order of the day.
I believe that first of all my dogs are my family and they are treated just that way. I am a member of the Penobscot Hunting Retriever Club where I serve as President, the Maine Retriever Trial Club where I serve as Vice President; and The Guns Up Hunting Retriever Club. I am an AKC hunt test judge, a canine good citizen evaluator and I represent the AKC as a Public Education Coordinator.
I am affiliated with the following organizations:
American Kennel Club (Hunt Test Judge, Public Education Coordinator and Canine Good Citizen Evaluator
AnamCara Retrievers prides itself on the quality, intelligence and trainability of its dogs/puppies not only as companion dogs for the family, but as hunting companions, working companions , and as service and therapy dogs.
Please feel free to fill out the contact form and puppy questionnaire and submit it. I would be happy to answer your questions.

AnanCara's Will
~ Kathy Metcalf